Rodosvaldo Pozo#141818; WSPF, PO Box 9900; Boscobel, Wi 533805;
“I am a Black Cuban who is doing 25 years for ‘party to the crime’ of 61/2 grams of cocaine, trying to prove innocence. “ I’m not a racist-never have and never will be because my ex wife is white as is my girlfriend and I have lost all so- called friends except God. But life goes on and we must be strong because I believe God has a better plan for us.”
Personal information: Nickname: “ El Nino”. Date of release: Litigating now, if successful, he hopes to be released next year.
Race/tribe: Black Cuban; Age “50 but I look 30;” Birthday: 10/20/57; Religion: one love, one God, one people;
Physical Description: height 6’1”; weight about 170; Hair: long dreadlocks; eye color: Brown
“I’m a very active person and always happy because always god provides us with a way out. I love to write poetry and songs whether in English or Spanish- It’s no matter. I also love to do legal work on my own and help others with their legal problems. My real interest is to find good and honest persons who can tell truth to power- because Jesus said: ‘Truth says you are free.’” John 8.32
“I speak two languages-Spanish and English. My special skills are the law and the way I can communicate with others. I know how to use the computer."
“I’m looking for a nice, I mean, a decent and honest lady (senorita) who is not afraid to get down to the root of the problem and who doesn’t hide anything from her man. Gen.-2:22-24; Ecclesiastes 9:10; Matt. 19:4-6; I cor. 7: 3-7: Eph. 5:25”
Love (con amor),
"advice to others"
Part one
Reflecting on my experience and achievement in short time- I would say this: If you see something that is being done in a way that you wouldn't do it, talk to people and figure out how else it could be done. ..do it yourself, not one is stopping you. A lot of people in society will help you do it. It doesn't require an immense amount of money. IT doesn't require huge amount of institutional support. These things make it easier. A lot of people who want to make difference themselves, and who don't want to make a full commitment to do it, will help you.
My brothers and sisters, find out what make your blood boil. Find out what you are about.. what do you see in this world that interest you, where you can make a difference? What draws you to it?
Young people need an objective to draw them into participation and involvement..get involved